Berlin, July 2009

Request for support of travel costs for the European Tour of Tulku Ugen Chenco Lama in September and October 2009

We are happy to inform you that this autumn the principal regent of Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche, Tulku Ugen Chencho, will visit Europe. He will first visit new dharma-centres in Estonia and Poland and then, in the middle of September, come to Hamburg, Bremen and Berlin after which he will go to Manchester U.K. before returning to India in October. Tulku Ugen is invited to these places to give empowerments, transmissions and teachings in the Jangter-Khordong Tradition.

In 2002 Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche formally appointed Tulku Ugen as his principal regent beside of Jomo Gudrun. Rinpoche requested him in connection with this function to take care of his Gompa near Siliguri and to give the transmissions of his tradition.

The invitation of Tulku Ugen as one of Rinpoche’s principal regents to Europe will bring to many spiritual seekers and practitioners the opportunity to make a connection with the tradition of Rinpoches lineage, the Khordong-Byangter Termas. We especially rejoice in the fact that Tulku Ugen will visit recently established dharma-centres in eastern Europe, which Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche was not able to visit in person.

Tulku Ugen will be accompanied on his tour by Norbu Gyaltsen, a young Lama from our Gompa in Siliguri, who is able to assist with all the many rituals for the empowerments and transmissions.

We would like to invite you to financially support the tour of Tulku Ugen! Especially we need your support in the form of donations for the costs of the flights from India to Europe and return, which will be about 1,500 Euro.

As you might imagine not all costs can be covered by the incoming entrance fees of the events. However, it is also our wish to keep any charges for receiving the teaching as low as we can, to make the precious teachings fully available to everyone.

Please send your donations to:
Khordong e.V.
Deutsche Bank
BLZ 10070024
Account-No.: 324 755 800
IBAN: DE83100700240324755800
Code:“Ugen in Europa“

All donations received will be used exclusively for the travel costs of Tulku Ugen Chencho and Lama Norbu Gyaltsen. Should we have some surplus, we plan to sponsor some of the other costs of their tour, for example the tickets to and from Estonia etc. If requested, we can supply a formal receipt, qualifying your donations for tax-exemption purposes (Only valid for German tax income). Please contact our treasurer wolfgang (ad) khordong (dot) de

In the name of all the organisers we say in advance thank you for your interest and your support.

Dates, places and contents of the events for Germany will be available soon on the khordong website; for more details please contact the organisers:for Estland: Jako Jaagu

  • for Poland: Jacek Misniakiewicz
  • for Hamburg: Wolfgang Hermes
  • for Bremen: Arnim Voigt
  • for Berlin: Birgit Khoury
  • for Manchester: John Higginson

Thank you.

Sarva Mangalam!

***7/09 ar