India, 1. December 2009

Dear everyone,

To answer the questions of several of you and for your general information to offer 111 111 lamps requires 3850 kg of Dalda ( vegetable oil ) plus 120 000 wicks, around 35 m. of white clothes to clean the lamps and soap to clean them regularly.
We need wood to melt the Dalda and it also requires to pay 8 ladies from the village on daily wages of 70rs/pers.

The price of Dalda depends on the market. It fluctuates quite sharply from one month to another.But we can say that the necessary 3 850 kg cost an average of 2850 euros at the rate of 1 euro = 65 rs.

To give you an idea :

1 day offering cost 165 euros just for the Dalda.

Thank you for your interest and your patience to receive answers from our side.
We actually do face general difficulty just to have a simple access to internet, reason for our delays in communication.

Keeping touch,

Nathalie& Alexis

Khordong India <>

***12/09 ar